Friday, March 13, 2009

Slumdog M

I surprised myself by watching another Indian movie after cc2c. So Slumdog Millionaire really is my 2nd ever Indian movie I have watched, after rave reviews and constant "nagging" by my friend to watch it. At least this time I found the story fascinating, unbelievably incredible and tight enough to actually glue me to my seat. And there isn't an intermission and excessive singing and dancing at least! I'm not too sure why the movie won so many awards though, not that it doesn't deserve it, but people have compared it as the Charles Dickens story of the 21st century. So I am guessing in the midst of our very messed up world and economic gloom, an endearing movie such as this lifts spirits and brings a dash of optimism and feel-good factor amongst movie-goers.

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