Monday, October 20, 2008

Working life = drinking after work...Drink drink drink!!

Halfway past IA, and realised that looking back for the past few weeks, it is indeed that friday nights or weekends are spent chilling at bars drinking beer with colleagues and close friends. Kinda wonder if that is going to be the norm once working life sets in.....but heck....ain't I already answering my own question? Obviously yes! My friends certainly think so too. Not that I am complaining too much, but I can't help but recall what Alex said to me before the dude left......that all this drinking at places and doing the things which I do now and probably what every working adult is doing....would probably turn into a routine, and it's a scary thought that this may be the case for the next 10 or even 20 years down the road. In fact, it is so scarily predictable that you can imagine your kids doing the same thing too once they start to work. "Is that the life you really want?" Alex chuckled.....little wonder why he left Singapore and left a very puzzled me still pondering on his thoughts and my own actions in time to come....

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