The theme park offerred some OK rides which I felt was just meh...the only exciting one was the Space Shot where they lift you high up and drop you down free-fall style. That was the only one exciting.
Meanwhile in the casino, met up with the other chem eng guys Zhiwen, BX, Hongwei, Jinyao and Junhao. We amassed at the 大小 table. Hoping to repeat my win in Macau the previous time (won 100 SGD!), I got lucky at first, winning around 200 plus RM, before crashing out!! Actually all of us crashed out!! It was hilarious to see this guy in yellow (damn wang4 la!) and this tall guy in stripes (block our luck loh) keep betting things opposite to us! Sianz..... Anw it was Tony who had all the luck when he tried playing Casino War. Essentially it's a simple game based on your luck versus dealer's luck to see which card has the highest value. And all of us stood there mouths open to see him win about 10 times in a row, even when the odds seemed not in our favour. But we had no more capital left to bet!!! Ahh....the vices of gambling...hurhur
Anw, some pics here. For more, go here
I'm like free-promoting for Five Star...

...cos we got free upgrade to executive's y :p

At the First World Plaza

K-boxing....actually the outlet is called Be A Star...

Theme park shots

Peckless driver....hmm...

The wrapper's supposed to cover our heads in the go-kart helmet but we found other uses for it

Good memories of London...

....and its phone booth

The Space Shot

Found a decent restaurant with good prices and good food!

...cos we got free upgrade to executive's y :p

At the First World Plaza

K-boxing....actually the outlet is called Be A Star...

Theme park shots

Peckless driver....hmm...
The wrapper's supposed to cover our heads in the go-kart helmet but we found other uses for it
Good memories of London...
....and its phone booth
The Space Shot

Found a decent restaurant with good prices and good food!
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