Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wishing everyone a Happy 牛 Year! MOooooo!

A rare moment getting most of the 4D-ians together

Family photo

Mum loves taking with the cow cos it's the 牛 year

And not forgetting yusheng....loads of yusheng lao-ed this year liaoz

And the LOLest moment in all my CNY life! My uncle, cousin and I wore the same Ralph Lauren polo T-shirt bought from the factory outlet in the US. And all of us did not buy it by ourselves either. Mine was a gift from Huiling and Yee Ling and theirs was also a gift from their youngest cousin. Now we look like we just came out from an UNO card game....minus the yellow :p

Wishing everyone a prosperous and safe year ahead! HUAT ARR!!!!!!

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