Pineapple tarts from me.....looks like i deprived Huiyian of her pineapple tarts....muhahaha

Pineapple rice from Hazel and Wanping

Bak Kut Teh from Yi Si

Our very own buffet here

Custard by the HK girls

Chicken hor fun

Jared, me , Hazel and See Hwei giving the thumbs up to the food....look at my empty pineapple tart bottle.....lolol

A little bit of table soccer with the HK girls, with Yi Si and Jinyang vs Michelle and Catherine. The girls won...btw....and they were so ecstatic abt it!

While See Hwei, myself and Kinya were chatting away.......

...the girls at the side had to pose.....lolol

Wei Xiong and me vs Benjamin and Wanping

Look at our intense faces.......

Me and Kinya. She loves Tanya Chua....and she gave me a Cantonese name...kim2 wai2....cos my chinese name is jian4 wei2.....lolol
Michelle, me and Jared...Michelle is quite a foodie, forever looking so happy munching on her food....
Me and Lorraine. She's Canadian-born and is most fluent in her English amongst the HK ppl
All chem eng guys here! From left, Giuseppe, my Italian buddy from Palermo who was moved opposite my room to the 3rd floor...:(...Christian and Renato from Naples and Valentin from France
Kinya, Catherine, Ben and me
Jared, Ben (my forever drinking roomie), and myself

I had to find another expression...catherine and ben were looking too stiff...lolol

Lazy couch potatoes! Anw for the first time at least we could have the common room AND TV to ourselves...Jared and Swee Hwei started with watching American idol!

Oops....this pic just looks so darn wrong....hahaha

Other funny and Wanping were discussing the functions of our camera....until.....

Yi Si decided to take some unglam and random shots of us...ok more of Wanping expression is priceless!

We returned the favour by making them our camera models!

Group photo together

A very enjoyable evening on the whole. Most coincidental thing was tt even though the event was organised for the whole of Butler, somehow only those from Block F (our block!!) turned up. Anw we got to know our neighbours (the HK girls) a bit better, as well as got to interact with the warden in charge.
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