Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rise of the Lich King

Totally blown away by this cinematic....oh...I've always loved cinematics from Blizzard as well as their games. Right down from Warcraft to Diablo, their opening cinematic is always a piece of art and bound to excite.

FYI, I don't play World of Warcraft,think a MMORPG is a serious life-sucker and heavy investment (wastage?!) in time, but I have always loved the story of Warcraft, right down to its intricate details. That's why when ppl started buying Warcraft III to feed their DOTA playing habits, I felt that it was a bit of a pity that full justice was not made to the original core of the game.

Anw....not just the details of the trailer was exciting (the Lich King and the summoning of his Frost Wyrm), but most of all I loved the narration behind the trailer. The voice is that of Arthas' (aka the new Lich King) father
reminding him to be just to his people, yet the boy has fallen so far that he now takes his throne amongst the undead. Oh he killed his pa in-game cinematic was gr8 too and was the turning point in the original WCIII. Oh just love the irony of the whole meaning behind this.

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