Thursday, November 13, 2008

HR Presentation Surprise

Wootz! Presentation's finally over, so I'm gonna put up some of the lame stuff that we produced here just for laughs. Basically we were holding a mock meeting for the Union and below are some of the crappy stuff we injected into our slides! Try to spot some familiar chem eng faces in here!

FYI, the guy right in the middle is our lecturer in charge of the whole module..

Listening in to what our PM has to say...

A mock conference with a sleepy dude...

This pic is a personal favourite! Campaigning for a good cause!

Taking the children out has never been this fun before!

I didn't know Eric was so much taller than Tony....hmm....

And now introducing our short "production" we ran before the actual presentation...if you have been watching local cinema, you would know where this came from....kudos for KW getting the best actor award, Eric for having the best crying scene award, Tony for being the aspiring director, myself for being the sound technician and Aaron for being the logistic support. Enjoy!

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