Did not know what came over me, but I actually bought the DVD for the movie "Be Kind Rewind". Was feeling kinda pissed that the movie was cut halfway aboard the plane on my return flight home from SEP and I did not get to finish it!! But anw this movie caught my attention at that time cos it had Jack Black in it and it's actually quite interesting. The plot is simple: Jack Black gets magnetized, accidentally erases the tapes in his friend's VHS store and now to cover up, they have to "swede" the movies. These "sweded" movies unexpectedly become popular with the customers.
A short definition of "sweding" from the Urban Dictionary is as follows:
"The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using a camcorder, limited budgets, amateur actors and loads of creativity. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded." Customers are told that they have to wait longer and pay more for these movies cos they come from Sweden, hence the name "sweded"!
A short definition of "sweding" from the Urban Dictionary is as follows:
"The summarized recreation of popular pop-culture films using a camcorder, limited budgets, amateur actors and loads of creativity. The process is called sweding. Upon completion the film has been Sweded." Customers are told that they have to wait longer and pay more for these movies cos they come from Sweden, hence the name "sweded"!
Of course they face obstacles along the way and the most difficult one is the task of making the money to save their video store from being relocated. In the end, they rope in the towns-folk in a community effort to make their own movie. While the film is not laugh-out-loud funny, it is light-hearted and kinda heart-warming to see the 2 like-able dudes pull in everyone in their community to make things work.
And not to forget, with the film's release, the Internet was set abuzz with tons of 'sweded" movies created by fans. Some of which I found and enjoyed and I think you can probably relate to are posted below: (Remember...it's low budget and amateurish and I feel that you must have watched the original movie to at least understand and laugh at some of the things these guys do, that's the whole meaning of being "sweded" :p)
And not to forget, with the film's release, the Internet was set abuzz with tons of 'sweded" movies created by fans. Some of which I found and enjoyed and I think you can probably relate to are posted below: (Remember...it's low budget and amateurish and I feel that you must have watched the original movie to at least understand and laugh at some of the things these guys do, that's the whole meaning of being "sweded" :p)
Terminator 2
Star Wars
Jurassic Park
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
Star Wars
Jurassic Park
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
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