Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Vday to all!

It was a very odd moment yesterday night. As I got home really late last night after being stuck at the design lab, I was wondering how come nobody was at home. Even when it was close to past midnight. Well, turns out that my parents were out (seldom seldom happen and for the first time I was actually playing the part of the naggy and kaypoh parent asking where they were), my bro took the car out for an event and it then dawned on me that it was supposed to be 14th Feb. Felt damnnnnnn pasieh that I actually called up to check on my dad!

Well, as for me, I'll be setting my date for shooting zombies and burying my head somewhere with paisehness! Keke :p

Some silly L4D stuff for this Vday I found over the net. Happy Vday / Friendship Day to all!

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