Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I hope I'm not suiciding myself by picking a unit in Design 2 that no senior has gone to b4. In other words, no reference of past senior reports and no knowledge of what program to even simulate it!! But hopefully it's gonna be easier cos it's by Uddin and pray he doesn't 出 pattern. It's a wildcard and whether will it be an ace or joker...only time will tell...

FYP rantings; Using a program called Gromacs that runs on Linux system. So essentially I'm keying in loads of commands that sometimes I dun really understand myself...bleargh....doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere with this...

Finance and Micro E: Bloody content heavy and the finance guy speeds through his lectures like a super rocket. Hate it when lecturer puts in additional slides in an additional appendix section, doesn't go through them in lecture, doesn't even indicate whether it will be tested and the tutor also doesn't seem to know. And Micro E is intensive cos it's something new, yet heng it's the only TE I will be taking in NUS. Why can't TEs be as relaxing and slower-paced like in Lufbra? Tuesday is a super saturated day with these 2 lectures back to back until 9pm.

Feeling tired...only into week 4. Darn!

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